Monsoon Winds

Monsoon Winds

In the lower latitudes there is a particular wind that changes directions twice a year, almost as predictable as the phases of the moon. These are the monsoon winds. Most of us who hear this word think of torrential rains and hot humid days. This is only half true. There are two monsoons; the dry monsoon and the wet monsoon. I never knew this until I moved to Thailand.

In history these wind changes set the trade routes to India and Africa, then on to or from Europe. Even today sailing vessels are bound by the rules of these winds.

As a young boy I heard the word and it imbibed an exotic world that I longed to see. My first experience of the monsoon winds was many years ago in Vietnam, where I was a soldier. Even then the monsoons only meant wet flooding rains and an ease in the tensions of war. I witness Noah’s flood-like rains where 30 or more inches of rain would fall in a 24 hour period—amazing! On one occasion at night during one of these torrents of rain in which I could only see a few feet around me we were overrun by a small group of the enemy. Men moved past me that I could have reached out and touched. At the time I couldn’t tell who they were—only to find out later they were VC soldiers. The attack failed because they also couldn’t see and soon faded back to where they came from. Not one shot was fired.

Now, living in Thailand the word Monsoon still sweeps my mind with the exotic thoughts of the East. Some years you can feel the wind change directions and know that the cool dry or the heavy, hot wetness is on the way. My daydreams play on the wind and my muse sings of strange new things and then implants them in my every thought.

In the main part of Thailand the dry wind come from November to around March. Of course there are religious celebrations for both seasons. The dry brings the cooler weather and easy living to the farmers, but the wet winds bring a time of hard labor to grow crops and a time to endure the heat.

Here in Thailand I live dreams of my youth and it fills my mind with wonder.

Have you ever experienced the monsoon winds? I would love to hear about your experiences.

8 responses to “Monsoon Winds

  1. Actually, the rainy season has started here. Everyday. Somedays just enough to be annoying, somedays, a downpour. Nothing like 30 inches, but enough to flood the streets for a time. That’s what we get when we’re south of 11 deg. N.

    And, yes, we do feel the wind shift with the seasons, even on the east coast, but as you know, we’re more sensative to the wind shifts than most. Gotta love those trade winds.

    • Sailors live by the wind. It’s such a great life– wish I was still doing it. Even inland in the lowers people know it’s coming. Normally here in Thailand the rains coming in the afternoon and only last for an hour or so, but there is relief in the cool rains.

      Thanks so much for comment, Nancy. May you be blessed with fair skys and soft breezes!

    • Now that’s something I’d like to see, lol. I do enjoy the rainy season, except for the heat but it is such good sleeping weather. Thank you, dear Eden for commenting!

  2. I always learn something new when I read your blog, Dannie. And the story about getting overrun by the enemy in Vietnam only to have them fall back because of the torrential rains without a shot fired is a striking tale. Wow! I’m just glad the rain blocked their view and you’re here to share the story, my friend.

    • Thank you for your comments, Rob. Another fact about me: I have told that story a total of 2 times. It’s true, but I wasn’t a ‘ground pounder’. I didn’t see action except for a few times– but I tried to leave that part of me where it happened. Only in the past year or so have I even contemplated sharing– I think it’s a step in the right direction.

      Thank you again for your support!

  3. When I lived in Prescott Valley, Arizona (US) was the first time I experienced a Monsoon season. I only knew it from locals as the rainy season, but often it did not rain heavily. However, I do recall that during Monsoon the AZ skies were the most beautiful I had ever seen.

  4. There’s something about saying monsoon that excites me. I’m living in south Florida now and still live with the monsoon seasons. They do make for beautiful skies. Thank you so much for visiting. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything– must start again. I’ll be going back to Thailand early next year in search of my muse

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